Tony Tang bio photo

Tony Tang

I'm an Associate Professor in the School of Computer and Information Systems at the Singapore Management University. I'm passionate about Human-Computer Interaction and other weird things.

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Do not pay for academic papers, because if you are a student, your institution probably has subscriptions to the publisher. (And your institution has paid BIG BUCKS for the subscription.)

Three different ways to get access to papers:

  1. Bookmarklet to your institution’s subscription (see how to do this below for U of T)
  2. Set up Google Scholar to default to your institution’s subscription
  3. Email the lead author of the paper to ask for a pre-print

Bookmarklet to access papers (UofT specific)

Add the following as a bookmarklet (for Chrome):


When you navigate to a page that needs a subscription (e.g. ACM DL, IEEE, Springer, etc.), just click the bookmarklet, login with your UCalgary credentials, and you’ll be able to download any PDF that our university has a subscription for.

Thanks to Wes Willett for the original one for UCalgary, and then this page for the code for UofToronto: