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Tony Tang

I'm an Associate Professor in the School of Computer and Information Systems at the Singapore Management University. I'm passionate about Human-Computer Interaction and other weird things.

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Tony Tang's CV

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Executive Summary

Anthony Tang is a tenured Associate Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems at the Singapore Management University. He leads the RICELab (Rethinking Interaction, Collaboration and Engagement) group, which focuses on Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Ubiquitous Computing. Previously, he was in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto, and prior to this, in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Calgary.

Research Overview

Anthony’s work investigates the design of immersive analytics tools, where tools give people new ways of thinking about and interacting with their data, and analyzing and discussing their data with others. His research involves primarily three major types of activities: the investigation of domain-specific communication and interaction practices between people and technology; the design of new technologies to address needs in those domain-specific contexts, and the evaluation of interaction technologies. These activities cut across three theme areas:

  • Human-AI interaction. As new AI technologies become increasingly pervasive in everyday computing technologies, we need to explore new ways of achieving our goals and accomplishing our tasks with AI-augmented technologies.
  • Mixed-reality computing. Augmented reality technologies allow us to use context (e.g. visual context, physical location, etc.) to design rich embodied experiences interaction (e.g. gestures) that take advantage novel output devices (head-mounted displays, tablets, mobiles).
  • Digital workrooms. New technologies for collaboration in next generation meeting rooms, which will be comprised of large interactive surfaces (walls and tables), and personal devices.


  • NSERC Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2011, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • PhD Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2010, University of British Columbia
  • MSc Computer Science, 2005, University of Calgary
  • BSc Computer Science and Psychology, 2002, Simon Fraser University

Teaching and Supervision

3 postdoctoral fellows, 26 graduate students (PhD and Masters), 35 undgraduate students and Honours theses, and 8 research assistants. These trainees have gone on to careers in academia (PhD studies; post-docs; assistant professors), as well as into industry careers at large technology companies (Meta, Microsoft, Autodesk Research).

Grants and Funding

Anthony’s work is currently funded by an SMU-SUTD Tier 1 Grant (S$100,000), NAVER ($1,250,000 over 5 years), and a gift from Meta ($30,000).

Previously, his research was supported by a SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant ($25,000), a MOE AcRF Tier 1 grant (S$100,000), the NSERC Discovery Grant program ($400,000), the GRAND NCE as a Collaborating Network Investigator ($42,000), NSERC SurfNet Strategic Network ($75,000), an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Grant ($40,000), the NSERC Engage program ($75,000), the MITACS Accelerate Program ($30,000). He was also supported at the University of Calgary with an Eyes High Doctoral Recruitment Award ($100,000), the URGC Seed Grant ($18,000) and a Startup Grant ($60,000). He has also received gifts from Nokia ($20,000).


For his research community, Anthony served as General Co-chair for the 25th ACM Conference on Computer Supported-Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2022). He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the International Journal on Human-Computer Studies (IF: 3.632) and the HCI Journal (IF: 6.459).

At the Faculty of Information in the University of Toronto, Anthony served as the Associate Dean, Research 2020-2022, and as the PhD Director 2020-2021.